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Python projects help manage Python applications spanning multiple files.


Looking for an introduction to creating a project with uv? See the projects guide first.

Project metadata#

Python project metadata is defined in a pyproject.toml file.


uv init can be used to create a new project. See Creating projects for details.

A minimal project definition includes a name, version, and description:

name = "example"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Add your description here"

It's recommended, but not required, to include a Python version requirement in the [project] section:

requires-python = ">=3.12"

Including a Python version requirement defines the Python syntax that is allowed in the project and affects selection of dependency versions (they must support the same Python version range).

The pyproject.toml also lists dependencies of the project in the project.dependencies and project.optional-dependencies fields. uv supports modifying the project's dependencies from the command line with uv add and uv remove. uv also supports extending the standard dependency definitions with package sources in tool.uv.sources.


See the official pyproject.toml guide for more details on getting started with a pyproject.toml.

Defining entry points#

uv uses the standard [project.scripts] table to define entry points for the project.

For example, to declare a command called hello that invokes the hello function in the example_package_app module:

hello = "example_package_app:hello"


Using [project.scripts] requires a build system to be defined.

Build systems#

Projects may define a [build-system] in the pyproject.toml. The build system defines how the project should be packaged and installed.

uv uses the presence of a build system to determine if a project contains a package that should be installed in the project virtual environment. If a build system is not defined, uv will not attempt to build or install the project itself, just its dependencies. If a build system is defined, uv will build and install the project into the project environment. By default, projects are installed in editable mode so changes to the source code are reflected immediately, without re-installation.

Configuring project packaging#

uv also allows manually declaring if a project should be packaged using the tool.uv.package setting.

Setting tool.uv.package = true will force a project to be built and installed into the project environment. If no build system is defined, uv will use the setuptools legacy backend.

Setting tool.uv.package = false will force a project package not to be built and installed into the project environment. uv will ignore a declared build system when interacting with the project.

Creating projects#

uv supports creating a project with uv init.

uv will create a project in the working directory, or, in a target directory by providing a name, e.g., uv init foo. If there's already a project in the target directory, i.e., there's a pyproject.toml, uv will exit with an error.

When creating projects, uv distinguishes between two types: applications and libraries.

By default, uv will create a project for an application. The --lib flag can be used to create a project for a library instead.


Application projects are suitable for web servers, scripts, and command-line interfaces.

Applications are the default target for uv init, but can also be specified with the --app flag:

$ uv init --app example-app
$ tree example-app
├── .python-version
└── pyproject.toml

When creating an application, uv will generate a minimal pyproject.toml. A build system is not defined and the source code is in the top-level directory, e.g., The project does not contain a package that will be built and installed into the project environment.

name = "example-app"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Add your description here"
readme = ""
requires-python = ">=3.11"
dependencies = []

The created script defines a main function with some standard boilerplate:
def main():
    print("Hello from example-app!")

if __name__ == "__main__":

And can be executed with uv run:

$ uv run
Hello from example-project!


A library is a project that is intended to be built and distributed as a Python package, for example, by uploading it to PyPI. A library provides functions and objects for other projects to consume.

Libraries can be created by using the --lib flag:

$ uv init --lib example-lib
$ tree example-lib
├── .python-version
├── pyproject.toml
└── src
    └── example_lib
        ├── py.typed

When creating a library, uv defines a build system and places the source code in placed in a src directory. These changes ensure that the library is isolated from any python invocations in the project root and that distributed library code is well separated from the rest of the project source code. The project includes a package at src/example_lib that will be built and installed into the project environment.

name = "example-lib"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Add your description here"
readme = ""
requires-python = ">=3.11"
dependencies = []

requires = ["hatchling"]
build-backend = ""


uv does not provide a build backend yet. hatchling is used by default, but there are other options. You may need to use the hatch build options to configure hatchling for your project structure.

Progress towards a uv build backend can be tracked in astral-sh/uv#3957.

The created module defines a simple API function:
def hello() -> str:
    return "Hello from example-lib!"

And you can import and execute it using uv run:

$ uv run python -c "import example_lib; print(example_lib.hello())"
Hello from example-lib!

Packaged applications#

The --package flag can be passed to uv init to create a distributable application, e.g., if you want to publish a command-line interface via PyPI. uv will define a build backend for the project, include a [project.scripts] entrypoint, and install the project package into the project environment.

The project structure looks the same as a library:

$ uv init --app --package example-packaged-app
$ tree example-packaged-app
├── .python-version
├── pyproject.toml
└── src
    └── example_packaged-app

But the module defines a CLI function:
def hello() -> None:
    print("Hello from example-packaged-app!")

And the pyproject.toml includes a script entrypoint:

name = "example-packaged-app"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Add your description here"
readme = ""
requires-python = ">=3.11"
dependencies = []

hello = "example_packaged_app:hello"

requires = ["hatchling"]
build-backend = ""

Which can be executed with uv run:

$ uv run hello
Hello from example-packaged-app!


An existing application can be redefined as a distributable package by adding a build system. However, this may require changes to the project directory structure, depending on the build backend.

Project environments#

uv creates a virtual environment in a .venv directory next to the pyproject.toml. This virtual environment contains the project and its dependencies. It is stored inside the project to make it easy for editors to find — they need the environment to give code completions and type hints. It is not recommended to include the .venv directory in version control; it is automatically excluded from git with an internal .gitignore file.

To run a command in the project environment, use uv run. Alternatively the project environment can be activated as normal for a virtual environment.

When uv run is invoked, it will create the project environment if it does not exist yet or ensure it is up-to-date if it exists. The project environment can also be explicitly created with uv sync.

It is not recommended to modify the project environment manually, e.g., with uv pip install. For project dependencies, use uv add to add a package to the environment. For one-off requirements, use uvx or uv run --with.


If you don't want uv to manage the project environment, set managed = false to disable automatic locking and syncing of the project. For example:

managed = false

By default, the project will be installed in editable mode, such that changes to the source code are immediately reflected in the environment. uv sync and uv run both accept a --no-editable flag, which instructs uv to install the project in non-editable mode. --no-editable is intended for deployment use-cases, such as building a Docker container, in which the project should be included in the deployed environment without a dependency on the originating source code.

Configuring the project environment path#

The UV_PROJECT_ENVIRONMENT environment variable can be used to configure the project virtual environment path (.venv by default).

If a relative path is provided, it will be resolved relative to the workspace root. If an absolute path is provided, it will be used as-is, i.e. a child directory will not be created for the environment. If an environment is not present at the provided path, uv will create it.

This option can be used to write to the system Python environment, though it is not recommended. uv sync will remove extraneous packages from the environment by default and, as such, may leave the system in a broken state.


If an absolute path is provided and the setting is used across multiple projects, the environment will be overwritten by invocations in each project. This setting is only recommended for use for a single project in CI or Docker images.


uv does not read the VIRTUAL_ENV environment variable during project operations. A warning will be displayed if VIRTUAL_ENV is set to a different path than the project's environment.

Project lockfile#

uv creates a uv.lock file next to the pyproject.toml.

uv.lock is a universal or cross-platform lockfile that captures the packages that would be installed across all possible Python markers such as operating system, architecture, and Python version.

Unlike the pyproject.toml, which is used to specify the broad requirements of your project, the lockfile contains the exact resolved versions that are installed in the project environment. This file should be checked into version control, allowing for consistent and reproducible installations across machines.

A lockfile ensures that developers working on the project are using a consistent set of package versions. Additionally, it ensures when deploying the project as an application that the exact set of used package versions is known.

The lockfile is created and updated during uv invocations that use the project environment, i.e., uv sync and uv run. The lockfile may also be explicitly updated using uv lock.

uv.lock is a human-readable TOML file but is managed by uv and should not be edited manually. There is no Python standard for lockfiles at this time, so the format of this file is specific to uv and not usable by other tools.


If you need to integrate uv with other tools or workflows, you can export uv.lock to requirements.txt format with uv export --format requirements-txt. The generated requirements.txt file can then be installed via uv pip install, or with other tools like pip.

In general, we recommend against using both a uv.lock and a requirements.txt file. If you find yourself exporting a uv.lock file, consider opening an issue to discuss your use case.

Checking if the lockfile is up-to-date#

To avoid updating the lockfile during uv sync and uv run invocations, use the --frozen flag.

To avoid updating the environment during uv run invocations, use the --no-sync flag.

To assert the lockfile matches the project metadata, use the --locked flag. If the lockfile is not up-to-date, an error will be raised instead of updating the lockfile.

Upgrading locked package versions#

By default, uv will prefer the locked versions of packages when running uv sync and uv lock. Package versions will only change if the project's dependency constraints exclude the previous, locked version.

To upgrade all packages:

$ uv lock --upgrade

To upgrade a single package to the latest version:

$ uv lock --upgrade-package <package>

To upgrade a single package to a specific version:

$ uv lock --upgrade-package <package>==<version>


In all cases, upgrades are limited to the project's dependency constraints. For example, if the project defines an upper bound for a package then an upgrade will not go beyond that version.

Limited resolution environments#

If your project supports a more limited set of platforms or Python versions, you can constrain the set of solved platforms via the environments setting, which accepts a list of PEP 508 environment markers. For example, to constrain the lockfile to macOS and Linux, and exclude Windows:

environments = [
    "sys_platform == 'darwin'",
    "sys_platform == 'linux'",

Entries in the environments setting must be disjoint (i.e., they must not overlap). For example, sys_platform == 'darwin' and sys_platform == 'linux' are disjoint, but sys_platform == 'darwin' and python_version >= '3.9' are not, since both could be true at the same time.

Optional dependencies#

uv requires that all optional dependencies ("extras") declared by the project are compatible with each other and resolves all optional dependencies together when creating the lockfile.

If optional dependencies declared in one group are not compatible with those in another group, uv will fail to resolve the requirements of the project with an error.


There is currently no way to declare conflicting optional dependencies. See to track support.

Managing dependencies#

uv is capable of adding, updating, and removing dependencies using the CLI.

To add a dependency:

$ uv add httpx

uv supports adding editable dependencies, development dependencies, optional dependencies, and alternative dependency sources. See the dependency specification documentation for more details.

uv will raise an error if the dependency cannot be resolved, e.g.:

$ uv add 'httpx>9999'
error: Because only httpx<=9999 is available and example==0.1.0 depends on httpx>9999, we can conclude that example==0.1.0 cannot be used.
And because only example==0.1.0 is available and you require example, we can conclude that the requirements are unsatisfiable.

To remove a dependency:

$ uv remove httpx

To update an existing dependency, e.g., to add a lower bound to the httpx version:

$ uv add 'httpx>0.1.0'


"Updating" a dependency refers to changing the constraints for the dependency in the pyproject.toml. The locked version of the dependency will only change if necessary to satisfy the new constraints. To force the package version to update to the latest within the constraints, use --upgrade-package <name>, e.g.:

$ uv add 'httpx>0.1.0' --upgrade-package httpx

See the lockfile section for more details on upgrading package versions.

Or, to change the bounds for httpx:

$ uv add 'httpx<0.2.0'

To add a dependency source, e.g., to use httpx from GitHub during development:

$ uv add git+

Platform-specific dependencies#

To ensure that a dependency is only installed on a specific platform or on specific Python versions, use Python's standardized environment markers syntax.

For example, to install jax on Linux, but not on Windows or macOS:

$ uv add 'jax; sys_platform == "linux"'

The resulting pyproject.toml will then include the environment marker in the dependency definition:

name = "project"
version = "0.1.0"
requires-python = ">=3.11"
dependencies = ["jax; sys_platform == 'linux'"]

Similarly, to include numpy on Python 3.11 and later:

$ uv add 'numpy; python_version >= "3.11"'

See Python's environment marker documentation for a complete enumeration of the available markers and operators.

Running commands#

When working on a project, it is installed into virtual environment at .venv. This environment is isolated from the current shell by default, so invocations that require the project, e.g., python -c "import example", will fail. Instead, use uv run to run commands in the project environment:

$ uv run python -c "import example"

When using run, uv will ensure that the project environment is up-to-date before running the given command.

The given command can be provided by the project environment or exist outside of it, e.g.:

$ # Presuming the project provides `example-cli`
$ uv run example-cli foo

$ # Running a `bash` script that requires the project to be available
$ uv run bash scripts/

Running commands with additional dependencies#

Additional dependencies or different versions of dependencies can be requested per invocation.

The --with option is used to include a dependency for the invocation, e.g., to request a different version of httpx:

$ uv run --with httpx==0.26.0 python -c "import httpx; print(httpx.__version__)"
$ uv run --with httpx==0.25.0 python -c "import httpx; print(httpx.__version__)"

The requested version will be respected regardless of the project's requirements. For example, even if the project requires httpx==0.24.0, the output above would be the same.

Running scripts#

Scripts that declare inline metadata are automatically executed in environments isolated from the project. See the scripts guide for more details.

For example, given a script:
# /// script
# dependencies = [
#   "httpx",
# ]
# ///

import httpx

resp = httpx.get("")
data = resp.json()
print([(k, v["title"]) for k, v in data.items()][:10])

The invocation uv run would run isolated from the project with only the given dependencies listed.

Projects with many packages#

If working in a project composed of many packages, see the workspaces documentation.

Building projects#

To distribute your project to others (e.g., to upload it to an index like PyPI), you'll need to build it into a distributable format.

Python projects are typically distributed as both source distributions (sdists) and binary distributions (wheels). The former is typically a .tar.gz or .zip file containing the project's source code along with some additional metadata, while the latter is a .whl file containing pre-built artifacts that can be installed directly.

uv build can be used to build both source distributions and binary distributions for your project. By default, uv build will build the project in the current directory, and place the built artifacts in a dist/ subdirectory:

$ uv build
$ ls dist/

You can build the project in a different directory by providing a path to uv build, e.g., uv build path/to/project.

uv build will first build a source distribution, and then build a binary distribution (wheel) from that source distribution.

You can limit uv build to building a source distribution with uv build --sdist, a binary distribution with uv build --wheel, or build both distributions from source with uv build --sdist --wheel.

uv build accepts --build-constraint, which can be used to constrain the versions of any build requirements during the build process. When coupled with --require-hashes, uv will enforce that the requirement used to build the project match specific, known hashes, for reproducibility.

For example, given the following constraints.txt:

setuptools==68.2.2 --hash=sha256:b454a35605876da60632df1a60f736524eb73cc47bbc9f3f1ef1b644de74fd2a

Running the following would build the project with the specified version of setuptools, and verify that the downloaded setuptools distribution matches the specified hash:

$ uv build --build-constraint constraints.txt --require-hashes

Build isolation#

By default, uv builds all packages in isolated virtual environments, as per PEP 517. Some packages are incompatible with build isolation, be it intentionally (e.g., due to the use of heavy build dependencies, mostly commonly PyTorch) or unintentionally (e.g., due to the use of legacy packaging setups).

To disable build isolation for a specific dependency, add it to the no-build-isolation-package list in your pyproject.toml:

name = "project"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "..."
readme = ""
requires-python = ">=3.12"
dependencies = ["cchardet"]

no-build-isolation-package = ["cchardet"]

Installing packages without build isolation requires that the package's build dependencies are installed in the project environment prior to installing the package itself. This can be achieved by separating out the build dependencies and the packages that require them into distinct optional groups. For example:

name = "project"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "..."
readme = ""
requires-python = ">=3.12"
dependencies = []

build = ["setuptools", "cython"]
compile = ["cchardet"]

no-build-isolation-package = ["cchardet"]

Given the above, a user would first sync the build dependencies:

$ uv sync --extra build
 + cython==3.0.11
 + foo==0.1.0 (from file:///Users/crmarsh/workspace/uv/foo)
 + setuptools==73.0.1

Followed by the compile dependencies:

$ uv sync --extra compile
 + cchardet==2.1.7
 - cython==3.0.11
 - setuptools==73.0.1

Note that uv sync --extra compile would, by default, uninstall the cython and setuptools packages. To instead retain the build dependencies, include both extras in the second uv sync invocation:

$ uv sync --extra build
$ uv sync --extra build --extra compile

Some packages, like cchardet above, only require build dependencies for the installation phase of uv sync. Others, like flash-attn, require their build dependencies to be present even just to resolve the project's lockfile during the resolution phase.

In such cases, the build dependencies must be installed prior to running any uv lock or uv sync commands, using the lower lower-level uv pip API. For example, given:

name = "project"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "..."
readme = ""
requires-python = ">=3.12"
dependencies = ["flash-attn"]

no-build-isolation-package = ["flash-attn"]

You could run the following sequence of commands to sync flash-attn:

$ uv venv
$ uv pip install torch
$ uv sync

Alternatively, you can provide the flash-attn metadata upfront via the dependency-metadata setting, thereby forgoing the need to build the package during the dependency resolution phase. For example, to provide the flash-attn metadata upfront, include the following in your pyproject.toml:

name = "flash-attn"
version = "2.6.3"
requires-dist = ["torch", "einops"]


To determine the package metadata for a package like flash-attn, navigate to the appropriate Git repository, or look it up on PyPI and download the package's source distribution. The package requirements can typically be found in the or setup.cfg file.

(If the package includes a built distribution, you can unzip it to find the METADATA file; however, the presence of a built distribution would negate the need to provide the metadata upfront, since it would already be available to uv.)

Once included, you can again use the two-step uv sync process to install the build dependencies. Given the following pyproject.toml:

name = "project"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "..."
readme = ""
requires-python = ">=3.12"
dependencies = []

build = ["torch", "setuptools", "packaging"]
compile = ["flash-attn"]

no-build-isolation-package = ["flash-attn"]

name = "flash-attn"
version = "2.6.3"
requires-dist = ["torch", "einops"]

You could run the following sequence of commands to sync flash-attn:

$ uv sync --extra build
$ uv sync --extra build --extra compile