unquoted-type-alias (TC007)
Derived from the flake8-type-checking linter.
Fix is sometimes available.
This rule is unstable and in preview. The --preview
flag is required for use.
What it does
Checks if PEP 613 explicit type aliases contain references to symbols that are not available at runtime.
Why is this bad?
Referencing type-checking only symbols results in a NameError
at runtime.
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypeAlias
from foo import Foo
OptFoo: TypeAlias = Foo | None
Use instead:
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypeAlias
from foo import Foo
OptFoo: TypeAlias = "Foo | None"
Fix safety
This rule's fix is currently always marked as unsafe, since runtime typing libraries may try to access/resolve the type alias in a way that we can't statically determine during analysis and relies on the type alias not containing any forward references.