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Installing Ruff#

Ruff is available as ruff on PyPI:

pip install ruff

Once installed, you can run Ruff from the command line:

ruff check   # Lint all files in the current directory.
ruff format  # Format all files in the current directory.

Starting with version 0.5.0, Ruff can be installed with our standalone installers:

# On macOS and Linux.
curl -LsSf | sh

# On Windows.
powershell -c "irm | iex"

# For a specific version.
curl -LsSf | sh
powershell -c "irm | iex"

For macOS Homebrew and Linuxbrew users, Ruff is also available as ruff on Homebrew:

brew install ruff

For Conda users, Ruff is also available as ruff on conda-forge:

conda install -c conda-forge ruff

For pkgx users, Ruff is also available as ruff on the pkgx registry:

pkgx install ruff

For Arch Linux users, Ruff is also available as ruff on the official repositories:

pacman -S ruff

For Alpine users, Ruff is also available as ruff on the testing repositories:

apk add ruff

For openSUSE Tumbleweed users, Ruff is also available in the distribution repository:

sudo zypper install python3-ruff

On Docker, it is published as, tagged for each release and latest for the latest release.

docker run -v .:/io --rm check
docker run -v .:/io --rm check

# Or, for Podman on SELinux.
docker run -v .:/io:Z --rm check

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