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The Ruff Language Server provides a set of configuration options to customize its behavior along with the ability to use an existing pyproject.toml or ruff.toml file to configure the linter and formatter. This is done by providing these settings while initializing the server. VS Code provides a UI to configure these settings, while other editors may require manual configuration. The setup section provides instructions on where to place these settings as per the editor.



Path to a ruff.toml or pyproject.toml file to use for configuration.

By default, Ruff will discover configuration for each project from the filesystem, mirroring the behavior of the Ruff CLI.

Default value: null

Type: string

Example usage:

    "ruff.configuration": "~/path/to/ruff.toml"
require('lspconfig').ruff.setup {
  init_options = {
    settings = {
      configuration = "~/path/to/ruff.toml"


The strategy to use when resolving settings across VS Code and the filesystem. By default, editor configuration is prioritized over ruff.toml and pyproject.toml files.

  • "editorFirst": Editor settings take priority over configuration files present in the workspace.
  • "filesystemFirst": Configuration files present in the workspace takes priority over editor settings.
  • "editorOnly": Ignore configuration files entirely i.e., only use editor settings.

Default value: "editorFirst"

Type: "editorFirst" | "filesystemFirst" | "editorOnly"

Example usage:

    "ruff.configurationPreference": "filesystemFirst"
require('lspconfig').ruff.setup {
  init_options = {
    settings = {
      configurationPreference = "filesystemFirst"


A list of file patterns to exclude from linting and formatting. See the documentation for more details.

Default value: null

Type: string[]

Example usage:

    "ruff.exclude": ["**/tests/**"]
require('lspconfig').ruff.setup {
  init_options = {
    settings = {
      exclude = ["**/tests/**"]


The line length to use for the linter and formatter.

Default value: null

Type: int

Example usage:

    "ruff.lineLength": 100
require('lspconfig').ruff.setup {
  init_options = {
    settings = {
      lineLength = 100


Whether to register the server as capable of handling source.fixAll code actions.

Default value: true

Type: bool

Example usage:

    "ruff.fixAll": false
require('lspconfig').ruff.setup {
  init_options = {
    settings = {
      fixAll = false


Whether to register the server as capable of handling source.organizeImports code actions.

Default value: true

Type: bool

Example usage:

    "ruff.organizeImports": false
require('lspconfig').ruff.setup {
  init_options = {
    settings = {
      organizeImports = false


New in Ruff v0.5.0

Whether to show syntax error diagnostics.

Default value: true

Type: bool

Example usage:

    "ruff.showSyntaxErrors": false
require('lspconfig').ruff.setup {
  init_options = {
    settings = {
      showSyntaxErrors = false


The log level to use for the server.

Default value: "info"

Type: "trace" | "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error"

Example usage:

    "ruff.logLevel": "debug"
require('lspconfig').ruff.setup {
  init_options = {
    settings = {
      logLevel = "debug"


Path to the log file to use for the server.

If not set, logs will be written to stderr.

Default value: null

Type: string

Example usage:

    "ruff.logFile": "~/path/to/ruff.log"
require('lspconfig').ruff.setup {
  init_options = {
    settings = {
      logFile = "~/path/to/ruff.log"


Enable or disable code actions provided by the server.


Whether to display Quick Fix actions to disable rules via noqa suppression comments.

Default value: true

Type: bool

Example usage:

    "ruff.codeAction.disableRuleComment.enable": false
require('lspconfig').ruff.setup {
  init_options = {
    settings = {
      codeAction = {
        disableRuleComment = {
          enable = false


Whether to display Quick Fix actions to autofix violations.

Default value: true

Type: bool

Example usage:

    "ruff.codeAction.fixViolation.enable": false
require('lspconfig').ruff.setup {
  init_options = {
    settings = {
      codeAction = {
        fixViolation = {
          enable = false


Settings specific to the Ruff linter.


Whether to enable linting. Set to false to use Ruff exclusively as a formatter.

Default value: true

Type: bool

Example usage:

    "ruff.lint.enable": false
require('lspconfig').ruff.setup {
  init_options = {
    settings = {
      lint = {
        enable = false


Whether to enable Ruff's preview mode when linting.

Default value: null

Type: bool

Example usage:

    "ruff.lint.preview": true
require('lspconfig').ruff.setup {
  init_options = {
    settings = {
      lint = {
        preview = true


Rules to enable by default. See the documentation.

Default value: null

Type: string[]

Example usage:

    "": ["E", "F"]
require('lspconfig').ruff.setup {
  init_options = {
    settings = {
      lint = {
        select = {"E", "F"}


Rules to enable in addition to those in

Default value: null

Type: string[]

Example usage:

    "ruff.lint.extendSelect": ["W"]
require('lspconfig').ruff.setup {
  init_options = {
    settings = {
      lint = {
        extendSelect = {"W"}


Rules to disable by default. See the documentation.

Default value: null

Type: string[]

Example usage:

    "ruff.lint.ignore": ["E4", "E7"]
require('lspconfig').ruff.setup {
  init_options = {
    settings = {
      lint = {
        ignore = {"E4", "E7"}


Rules to disable in addition to those in lint.ignore.

Default value: null

Type: string[]

Example usage:

    "ruff.lint.extendIgnore": ["W1"]
require('lspconfig').ruff.setup {
  init_options = {
    settings = {
      lint = {
        extendIgnore = {"W1"}


Settings specific to the Ruff formatter.


Whether to enable Ruff's preview mode when formatting.

Default value: null

Type: bool

Example usage:

    "ruff.format.preview": true
require('lspconfig').ruff.setup {
  init_options = {
    settings = {
      format = {
        preview = true

VS Code specific#

Additionally, the Ruff extension provides the following settings specific to VS Code. These settings are not used by the language server and are only relevant to the extension.


Whether to enable the Ruff extension. Modifying this setting requires restarting VS Code to take effect.

Default value: true

Type: bool

Example usage:

    "ruff.enable": false


This setting is not used by the native language server.

Additional arguments to pass to the Ruff formatter.

Default value: []

Type: string[]

Example usage:

    "ruff.format.args": ["--line-length", "100"]


This setting is not used by the native language server.

Whether to ignore files that are inferred to be part of the Python standard library.

Default value: true

Type: bool

Example usage:

    "ruff.ignoreStandardLibrary": false


Strategy for loading the ruff executable.

  • fromEnvironment finds Ruff in the environment, falling back to the bundled version
  • useBundled uses the version bundled with the extension

Default value: "fromEnvironment"

Type: "fromEnvironment" | "useBundled"

Example usage:

    "ruff.importStrategy": "useBundled"


A list of paths to Python interpreters. Even though this is a list, only the first interpreter is used.

This setting depends on the ruff.nativeServer setting:

  • If using the native server, the interpreter is used to find the ruff executable when ruff.importStrategy is set to fromEnvironment.
  • Otherwise, the interpreter is used to run the ruff-lsp server.

Default value: []

Type: string[]

Example usage:

    "ruff.interpreter": ["/home/user/.local/bin/python"]


This setting is not used by the native language server.

Additional arguments to pass to the Ruff linter.

Default value: []

Type: string[]

Example usage:

    "ruff.lint.args": ["--config", "/path/to/pyproject.toml"]

This setting is not used by the native language server.

Run Ruff on every keystroke (onType) or on save (onSave).

Default value: "onType"

Type: "onType" | "onSave"

Example usage:

    "": "onSave"


Whether to use the native language server, ruff-lsp or automatically decide between the two based on the Ruff version and extension settings.

  • "on": Use the native language server. A warning will be displayed if deprecated settings are detected.
  • "off": Use ruff-lsp. A warning will be displayed if settings specific to the native server are detected.
  • "auto": Automatically select between the native language server and ruff-lsp based on the following conditions:
    1. If the Ruff version is >= 0.5.3, use the native language server unless any deprecated settings are detected. In that case, show a warning and use ruff-lsp instead.
    2. If the Ruff version is \< 0.5.3, use ruff-lsp. A warning will be displayed if settings specific to the native server are detected.
  • true: Same as on
  • false: Same as off

Default value: "auto"

Type: "on" | "off" | "auto" | true | false

Example usage:

    "ruff.nativeServer": "on"


A list of path to ruff executables.

The first executable in the list which is exists is used. This setting takes precedence over the ruff.importStrategy setting.

Default value: []

Type: string[]

Example usage:

    "ruff.path": ["/home/user/.local/bin/ruff"]


Setting to control when a notification is shown.

Default value: "off"

Type: "off" | "onError" | "onWarning" | "always"

Example usage:

    "ruff.showNotifications": "onWarning"


The trace level for the language server. Refer to the LSP specification for more information.

Default value: "off"

Type: "off" | "messages" | "verbose"

Example usage:

    "ruff.trace.server": "messages"