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builtin-attribute-shadowing (A003)

Derived from the flake8-builtins linter.

What it does

Checks for class attributes and methods that use the same names as Python builtins.

Why is this bad?

Reusing a builtin name for the name of an attribute increases the difficulty of reading and maintaining the code, and can cause non-obvious errors, as readers may mistake the attribute for the builtin and vice versa.

Since methods and class attributes typically cannot be referenced directly from outside the class scope, this rule only applies to those methods and attributes that both shadow a builtin and are referenced from within the class scope, as in the following example, where the list[int] return type annotation resolves to the list method, rather than the builtin:

class Class:
    def list() -> None:

    def repeat(value: int, times: int) -> list[int]:
        return [value] * times

Builtins can be marked as exceptions to this rule via the lint.flake8-builtins.builtins-ignorelist configuration option, or converted to the appropriate dunder method. Methods decorated with @typing.override or @typing_extensions.override are also ignored.


class Class:
    def list() -> None:

    def repeat(value: int, times: int) -> list[int]:
        return [value] * times
