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Managing packages

Installing a package

To install a package into the virtual environment, e.g., Flask:

$ uv pip install flask

To install a package with optional dependencies enabled, e.g., Flask with the "dotenv" extra:

$ uv pip install "flask[dotenv]"

To install multiple packages, e.g., Flask and Ruff:

$ uv pip install flask ruff

To install a package with a constraint, e.g., Ruff v0.2.0 or newer:

$ uv pip install 'ruff>=0.2.0'

To install a package at a specific version, e.g., Ruff v0.3.0:

$ uv pip install 'ruff==0.3.0'

To install a package from the disk:

$ uv pip install "ruff @ ./projects/ruff"

To install a package from GitHub:

$ uv pip install "git+"

To install a package from GitHub at a specific reference:

$ # Install a tag
$ uv pip install "git+[email protected]"

$ # Install a commit
$ uv pip install "git+"

$ # Install a branch
$ uv pip install "git+"

See the Git authentication documentation for installation from a private repository.

Editable packages

Editable packages do not need to be reinstalled for changes to their source code to be active.

To install the current project as an editable package

$ uv pip install -e .

To install a project in another directory as an editable package:

$ uv pip install -e "ruff @ ./project/ruff"

Installing packages from files

Multiple packages can be installed at once from standard file formats.

Install from a requirements.txt file:

$ uv pip install -r requirements.txt

See the uv pip compile documentation for more information on requirements.txt files.

Install from a pyproject.toml file:

$ uv pip install -r pyproject.toml

Install from a pyproject.toml file with optional dependencies enabled, e.g., the "foo" extra:

$ uv pip install -r pyproject.toml --extra foo

Install from a pyproject.toml file with all optional dependencies enabled:

$ uv pip install -r pyproject.toml --all-extras

To install dependency groups in the current project directory's pyproject.toml, for example the group foo:

$ uv pip install --group foo

To specify the project directory where groups should be sourced from:

$ uv pip install --project some/path/ --group foo --group bar

Alternatively, you can specify a path to a pyproject.toml for each group:

$ uv pip install --group some/path/pyproject.toml:foo --group other/pyproject.toml:bar


As in pip, --group flags do not apply to other sources specified with flags like -r or -e. For instance,uv pip install -r some/path/pyproject.toml --group foosourcesfoofrom./pyproject.tomland **not**some/path/pyproject.toml`.

Uninstalling a package

To uninstall a package, e.g., Flask:

$ uv pip uninstall flask

To uninstall multiple packages, e.g., Flask and Ruff:

$ uv pip uninstall flask ruff