Using uv in Docker
Getting started
Check out the uv-docker-example
project for
an example of best practices when using uv to build an application in Docker.
uv provides both distroless Docker images, which are useful for copying uv binaries into your own image builds, and images derived from popular base images, which are useful for using uv in a container. The distroless images do not contain anything but the uv binaries. In contrast, the derived images include an operating system with uv pre-installed.
As an example, to run uv in a container using a Debian-based image:
Available images
The following distroless images are available:{major}.{minor}.{patch}
, e.g.,{major}.{minor}
, e.g.,
(the latest patch version)
And the following derived images are available:
- Based on
- Based on
- Based on
- Based on
- Based on
- Based on
As with the distroless image, each derived image is published with uv version tags as{major}.{minor}.{patch}-{base}
, e.g.,
For more details, see the GitHub Container page.
Installing uv
Use one of the above images with uv pre-installed or install uv by copying the binary from the official distroless Docker image:
Or, with the installer:
FROM python:3.12-slim-bookworm
# The installer requires curl (and certificates) to download the release archive
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends curl ca-certificates
# Download the latest installer
# Run the installer then remove it
RUN sh / && rm /
# Ensure the installed binary is on the `PATH`
ENV PATH="/root/.local/bin/:$PATH"
Note this requires curl
to be available.
In either case, it is best practice to pin to a specific uv version, e.g., with:
While the Dockerfile example above pins to a specific tag, it's also possible to pin a specific SHA256. Pinning a specific SHA256 is considered best practice in environments that require reproducible builds as tags can be moved across different commit SHAs.
Or, with the installer:
Installing a project
If you're using uv to manage your project, you can copy it into the image and install it:
# Copy the project into the image
ADD . /app
# Sync the project into a new environment, using the frozen lockfile
RUN uv sync --frozen
It is best practice to add .venv
to a .dockerignore
in your repository to prevent it from being included in image builds. The project virtual
environment is dependent on your local platform and should be created from scratch in the image.
Then, to start your application by default:
# Presuming there is a `my_app` command provided by the project
CMD ["uv", "run", "my_app"]
It is best practice to use intermediate layers separating installation of dependencies and the project itself to improve Docker image build times.
See a complete example in the
Using the environment
Once the project is installed, you can either activate the project virtual environment by placing its binary directory at the front of the path:
Or, you can use uv run
for any commands that require the environment:
Alternatively, the
setting can
be set before syncing to install to the system Python environment and skip environment activation
Using installed tools
To use installed tools, ensure the tool bin directory is on the path:
$ docker run -it $(docker build -q .) /bin/bash -c "cowsay -t hello"
| hello |
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
The tool bin directory's location can be determined by running the uv tool dir --bin
in the container.
Alternatively, it can be set to a constant location:
Installing Python in musl-based images
While uv installs a compatible Python version if there isn't one available in the image, uv does not yet support installing Python for musl-based distributions. For example, if you are using an Alpine Linux base image that doesn't have Python installed, you need to add it with the system package manager:
Developing in a container
When developing, it's useful to mount the project directory into a container. With this setup,
changes to the project can be immediately reflected in a containerized service without rebuilding
the image. However, it is important not to include the project virtual environment (.venv
) in
the mount, because the virtual environment is platform specific and the one built for the image
should be kept.
Mounting the project with docker run
Bind mount the project (in the working directory) to /app
while retaining the .venv
with an anonymous volume:
The --rm
flag is included to ensure the container and anonymous volume are cleaned up when the
container exits.
See a complete example in the
Configuring watch
with docker compose
When using Docker compose, more sophisticated tooling is available for container development. The
allows for greater granularity than is practical with a bind mount and supports triggering updates
to the containerized service when files change.
This feature requires Compose 2.22.0 which is bundled with Docker Desktop 4.24.
Configure watch
in your
Docker compose file
to mount the project directory without syncing the project virtual environment and to rebuild the
image when the configuration changes:
build: .
# ...
# Create a `watch` configuration to update the app
# Sync the working directory with the `/app` directory in the container
- action: sync
path: .
target: /app
# Exclude the project virtual environment
- .venv/
# Rebuild the image on changes to the `pyproject.toml`
- action: rebuild
path: ./pyproject.toml
Then, run docker compose watch
to run the container with the development setup.
See a complete example in the
Compiling bytecode
Compiling Python source files to bytecode is typically desirable for production images as it tends to improve startup time (at the cost of increased installation time).
To enable bytecode compilation, use the --compile-bytecode
Alternatively, you can set the UV_COMPILE_BYTECODE
environment variable to ensure that all
commands within the Dockerfile compile bytecode:
A cache mount can be used to improve performance across builds:
Changing the default UV_LINK_MODE
silences warnings about
not being able to use hard links since the cache and sync target are on separate file systems.
If you're not mounting the cache, image size can be reduced by using the --no-cache
flag or
setting UV_NO_CACHE
The cache directory's location can be determined by running the uv cache dir
command in the
Alternatively, the cache can be set to a constant location:
Intermediate layers
If you're using uv to manage your project, you can improve build times by moving your transitive
dependency installation into its own layer via the --no-install
uv sync --no-install-project
will install the dependencies of the project but not the project
itself. Since the project changes frequently, but its dependencies are generally static, this can be
a big time saver.
# Install uv
FROM python:3.12-slim
COPY /uv /uvx /bin/
# Change the working directory to the `app` directory
# Install dependencies
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/uv \
--mount=type=bind,source=uv.lock,target=uv.lock \
--mount=type=bind,source=pyproject.toml,target=pyproject.toml \
uv sync --frozen --no-install-project
# Copy the project into the image
ADD . /app
# Sync the project
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/uv \
uv sync --frozen
Note that the pyproject.toml
is required to identify the project root and name, but the project
contents are not copied into the image until the final uv sync
If you're using a workspace, then use the
flag which excludes the project and any workspace members.
If you want to remove specific packages from the sync, use --no-install-package <name>
Non-editable installs
By default, uv installs projects and workspace members in editable mode, such that changes to the source code are immediately reflected in the environment.
uv sync
and uv run
both accept a --no-editable
flag, which instructs uv to install the project
in non-editable mode, removing any dependency on the source code.
In the context of a multi-stage Docker image, --no-editable
can be used to include the project in
the synced virtual environment from one stage, then copy the virtual environment alone (and not the
source code) into the final image.
For example:
# Install uv
FROM python:3.12-slim AS builder
COPY /uv /uvx /bin/
# Change the working directory to the `app` directory
# Install dependencies
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/uv \
--mount=type=bind,source=uv.lock,target=uv.lock \
--mount=type=bind,source=pyproject.toml,target=pyproject.toml \
uv sync --frozen --no-install-project --no-editable
# Copy the project into the intermediate image
ADD . /app
# Sync the project
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/uv \
uv sync --frozen --no-editable
FROM python:3.12-slim
# Copy the environment, but not the source code
COPY --from=builder --chown=app:app /app/.venv /app/.venv
# Run the application
CMD ["/app/.venv/bin/hello"]
Using uv temporarily
If uv isn't needed in the final image, the binary can be mounted in each invocation:
Using the pip interface
Installing a package
The system Python environment is safe to use this context, since a container is already isolated.
The --system
flag can be used to install in the system environment:
To use the system Python environment by default, set the UV_SYSTEM_PYTHON
Alternatively, a virtual environment can be created and activated:
RUN uv venv /opt/venv
# Use the virtual environment automatically
# Place entry points in the environment at the front of the path
ENV PATH="/opt/venv/bin:$PATH"
When using a virtual environment, the --system
flag should be omitted from uv invocations:
Installing requirements
To install requirements files, copy them into the container:
Installing a project
When installing a project alongside requirements, it is best practice to separate copying the requirements from the rest of the source code. This allows the dependencies of the project (which do not change often) to be cached separately from the project itself (which changes very frequently).
COPY pyproject.toml .
RUN uv pip install -r pyproject.toml
COPY . .
RUN uv pip install -e .
Verifying image provenance
The Docker images are signed during the build process to provide proof of their origin. These attestations can be used to verify that an image was produced from an official channel.
For example, you can verify the attestations with the
GitHub CLI tool gh
$ gh attestation verify --owner astral-sh oci://
Loaded digest sha256:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for oci://
Loaded 1 attestation from GitHub API
The following policy criteria will be enforced:
- OIDC Issuer must match:...................
- Source Repository Owner URI must match:...
- Predicate type must match:................
- Subject Alternative Name must match regex: (?i)^
✓ Verification succeeded!
sha256:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx was attested by:
astral-sh/uv .github/workflows/build-docker.yml@refs/heads/main
This tells you that the specific Docker image was built by the official uv Github release workflow and hasn't been tampered with since.
GitHub attestations build on the infrastructure. As such
you can also use the cosign
command to verify the
attestation blob against the (multi-platform) manifest for uv
$ REPO=astral-sh/uv
$ gh attestation download --repo $REPO oci://${REPO}:latest
Wrote attestations to file sha256:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.jsonl.
Any previous content has been overwritten
The trusted metadata is now available at sha256:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.jsonl
$ docker buildx imagetools inspect${REPO}:latest --format "{{json .Manifest}}" > manifest.json
$ cosign verify-blob-attestation \
--new-bundle-format \
--bundle "$(jq -r .digest manifest.json).jsonl" \
--certificate-oidc-issuer="" \
--certificate-identity-regexp="^https://github\.com/${REPO}/.*" \
<(jq -j '.|del(.digest,.size)' manifest.json)
Verified OK
These examples use latest
, but best practice is to verify the attestation for a specific
version tag, e.g.,
, or (even better) the specific image digest,
such as