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Resolution is the process of taking a list of requirements and converting them to a list of package versions that fulfill the requirements. Resolution requires recursively searching for compatible versions of packages, ensuring that the requested requirements are fulfilled and that the requirements of the requested packages are compatible.


Most projects and packages have dependencies. Dependencies are other packages that are needed in order for the current package to work. A package defines its dependencies as requirements, roughly a combination of a package name and acceptable versions. The dependencies defined by the current project are called direct dependencies. The requirements added by each dependency of the current project are called indirect or transitive dependencies.


See the dependency specifiers page in the Python Packaging documentation for details about dependencies.

Basic examples#

To help demonstrate the resolution process, consider the following dependencies:

  • The project depends on foo and bar.
  • foo has one version, 1.0.0:
    • foo 1.0.0 depends on lib>=1.0.0.
  • bar has one version, 1.0.0:
    • bar 1.0.0 depends on lib>=2.0.0.
  • lib has two versions, 1.0.0 and 2.0.0. Both versions have no dependencies.

In this example, the resolver must find a set of package versions which satisfies the project requirements. Since there is only one version of both foo and bar, those will be used. The resolution must also include the transitive dependencies, so a version of lib must be chosen. foo 1.0.0 allows all of the available versions of lib, but bar 1.0.0 requires lib>=2.0.0 so lib 2.0.0 must be used.

In some resolutions, there is more than one solution. Consider the following dependencies:

  • The project depends on foo and bar.
  • foo has two versions, 1.0.0 and 2.0.0:
    • foo 1.0.0 has no dependencies.
    • foo 2.0.0 depends on lib==2.0.0.
  • bar has two versions, 1.0.0 and 2.0.0:
    • bar 1.0.0 has no dependencies.
    • bar 2.0.0 depends on lib==1.0.0
  • lib has two versions, 1.0.0 and 2.0.0. Both versions have no dependencies.

In this example, some version of both foo and bar must be picked, however, determining which version requires considering the dependencies of each version of foo and bar. foo 2.0.0 and bar 2.0.0 cannot be installed together because they conflict on their required version of lib, so the resolver must select either foo 1.0.0 or bar 1.0.0. Both are valid solutions, and different resolution algorithms may give either result.

Platform markers#

Markers allow attaching an expression to requirements that indicate when the dependency should be used. For example bar; python_version<"3.9" can be used to only require bar on Python 3.8 and older.

Markers are used to adjust a package's dependencies depending on the current environment or platform. For example, markers can be used to change dependencies based on the operating system, the CPU architecture, the Python version, the Python implementation, and more.


See the environment markers section in the Python Packaging documentation for more details about markers.

Markers are important for resolution because their values change the required dependencies. Typically, Python package resolvers use the markers of the current platform to determine which dependencies to use since the package is often being installed on the current platform. However, for locking dependencies this is problematic — the lockfile would only work for developers using the same platform the lockfile was created on. To solve this problem, platform-independent, or "universal" resolvers exist.

uv supports both platform-specific and universal resolution.

Universal resolution#

uv's lockfile (uv.lock) is created with a universal resolution and is portable across platforms. This ensures that dependencies are locked for everyone working on the project, regardless of operating system, architecture, and Python version. The uv lockfile is created and modified by project commands such as uv lock, uv sync, and uv add.

universal resolution is also available in uv's pip interface, i.e., uv pip compile, with the --universal flag. The resulting requirements file will contain markers to indicate which platform each dependency is relevant for.

During universal resolution, a package may be listed multiple times with different versions or URLs if different versions are needed for different platforms — the markers determine which version will be used. A universal resolution is often more constrained than a platform-specific resolution, since we need to take the requirements for all markers into account.

During universal resolution, a minimum Python version must be specified. Project commands read the minimum required version from project.requires-python in the pyproject.toml. When using the pip interface, provide a value with the --python-version option, otherwise the current Python version will be treated as a lower bound. For example, --universal --python-version 3.9 writes a universal resolution for Python 3.9 and later.

Setting the minimum Python version is important because all package versions we select have to be compatible with the Python version range. For example, a universal resolution of numpy<2 with --python-version 3.8 resolves to numpy==1.24.4, while --python-version 3.9 resolves to numpy==1.26.4, as numpy releases after 1.26.4 require at Python 3.9+. Note that we only consider the lower bound of any Python requirement, upper bounds are always ignored.

Platform-specific resolution#

By default, uv's pip interface, i.e., uv pip compile, produces a resolution that is platform-specific, like pip-tools. There is no way to use platform-specific resolution in the uv's project interface.

uv also supports resolving for specific, alternate platforms and Python versions with the --python-platform and --python-version options. For example, if using Python 3.12 on macOS, uv pip compile --python-platform linux --python-version 3.10 can be used to produce a resolution for Python 3.10 on Linux instead. Unlike universal resolution, during platform-specific resolution, the provided --python-version is the exact python version to use, not a lower bound.


Python's environment markers expose far more information about the current machine than can be expressed by a simple --python-platform argument. For example, the platform_version marker on macOS includes the time at which the kernel was built, which can (in theory) be encoded in package requirements. uv's resolver makes a best-effort attempt to generate a resolution that is compatible with any machine running on the target --python-platform, which should be sufficient for most use cases, but may lose fidelity for complex package and platform combinations.

Dependency preferences#

If resolution output file exists, i.e. a uv lockfile (uv.lock) or a requirements output file (requirements.txt), uv will prefer the dependency versions listed there. Similarly, if installing a package into a virtual environment, uv will prefer the already installed version if present. This means that locked or installed versions will not change unless an incompatible version is requested or an upgrade is explicitly requested with --upgrade.

Resolution strategy#

By default, uv tries to use the latest version of each package. For example, uv pip install flask>=2.0.0 will install the latest version of Flask, e.g., 3.0.0. If flask>=2.0.0 is a dependency of the project, only flask 3.0.0 will be used. This is important, for example, because running tests will not check that the project is actually compatible with its stated lower bound of flask 2.0.0.

With --resolution lowest, uv will install the lowest possible version for all dependencies, both direct and indirect (transitive). Alternatively, --resolution lowest-direct will use the lowest compatible versions for all direct dependencies, while using the latest compatible versions for all other dependencies. uv will always use the latest versions for build dependencies.

For example, given the following file:

Running uv pip compile would produce the following requirements.txt file:

# This file was autogenerated by uv via the following command:
#    uv pip compile
    # via flask
    # via flask
    # via flask
    # via flask
    # via
    #   jinja2
    #   werkzeug
    # via flask

However, uv pip compile --resolution lowest would instead produce:
# This file was autogenerated by uv via the following command:
#    uv pip compile --resolution lowest
    # via flask
    # via flask
    # via flask
    # via jinja2
    # via flask

When publishing libraries, it is recommended to separately run tests with --resolution lowest or --resolution lowest-direct in continuous integration to ensure compatibility with the declared lower bounds.

Pre-release handling#

By default, uv will accept pre-release versions during dependency resolution in two cases:

  1. If the package is a direct dependency, and its version specifiers include a pre-release specifier (e.g., flask>=2.0.0rc1).
  2. If all published versions of a package are pre-releases.

If dependency resolution fails due to a transitive pre-release, uv will prompt use of --prerelease allow to allow pre-releases for all dependencies.

Alternatively, the transitive dependency can be added as a constraint or direct dependency (i.e. in or pyproject.toml) with a pre-release version specifier (e.g., flask>=2.0.0rc1) to opt-in to pre-release support for that specific dependency.

Pre-releases are notoriously difficult to model, and are a frequent source of bugs in other packaging tools. uv's pre-release handling is intentionally limited and requires user opt-in for pre-releases to ensure correctness.

For more details, see Pre-release compatibility.

Dependency constraints#

uv supports constraints files (--constraint constraints.txt), like pip, which narrow the set of acceptable versions for the given packages. Constraint files are like a regular requirements files, but they do not add packages to the requirements — they only take affect if the package is requested in a direct or transitive dependency. Constraints are often useful for reducing the range of available versions for a transitive dependency without adding a direct requirement on the package.

Dependency overrides#

Overrides allow bypassing failing or undesirable resolutions by overriding the declared dependencies of a package. Overrides are a useful last resort for cases in which the you know that a dependency is compatible with a newer version of a package than it declares, but the it has not yet been updated to declare that compatibility.

For example, if a transitive dependency declares the requirement pydantic>=1.0,<2.0, but works with pydantic>=2.0, the user can override the declared dependency with pydantic>=1.0,<3 to allow the resolver to installer a newer version of pydantic.

While constraints and dependencies are purely additive, and thus cannot expand the set of acceptable versions for a package, overrides can expand the set of acceptable versions for a package, providing an escape hatch for erroneous upper version bounds. As with constraints, overrides do not add a dependency on the package and only take affect if the package is requested in a direct or transitive dependency.

In a pyproject.toml, use tool.uv.override-dependencies to define a list of overrides. In the pip-compatible interface, the --override option can be used to pass files with the same format as constraints files.

If multiple overrides are provided for the same package, they must be differentiated with markers. If a package has a dependency with a marker, it is replaced unconditionally when using overrides — it does not matter if the marker evaluates to true or false.

Lower bounds#

By default, uv add adds lower bounds to dependencies and, when using uv to manage projects, uv will warn if direct dependencies don't have lower bound.

Lower bounds are not critical in the "happy path", but they are important for cases where there are dependency conflicts. For example, consider a project that requires two packages and those packages have conflicting dependencies. The resolver needs to check all combinations of all versions within the constraints for the two packages — if all of them conflict, an error is reported because the dependencies are not satisfiable. If there are no lower bounds, the resolver can (and often will) backtrack down to the oldest version of a package. This isn't only problematic because it's slow, the old version of the package often fails to build, or the resolver can end up picking a version that's old enough that it doesn't depend on the conflicting package, but also doesn't work with your code.

Lower bounds are particularly critical when writing a library. It's important to declare the lowest version for each dependency that your library works with, and to validate that the bounds are correct — testing with --resolution lowest or resolution lowest-direct. Otherwise, a user may receive an old, incompatible version of one of your library's dependencies and the library will fail with an unexpected error.

Reproducible resolutions#

uv supports an --exclude-newer option to limit resolution to distributions published before a specific date, allowing reproduction of installations regardless of new package releases. The date may be specified as an RFC 3339 timestamp (e.g., 2006-12-02T02:07:43Z) or a local date in the same format (e.g., 2006-12-02) in your system's configured time zone.

Note the package index must support the upload-time field as specified in PEP 700. If the field is not present for a given distribution, the distribution will be treated as unavailable. PyPI provides upload-time for all packages.

To ensure reproducibility, messages for unsatisfiable resolutions will not mention that distributions were excluded due to the --exclude-newer flag — newer distributions will be treated as if they do not exist.

Source distribution#

PEP 625 specifies that packages must distribute source distributions as gzip tarball (.tar.gz) archives. Prior to this specification, other archive formats, which need to be supported for backward compatibility, were also allowed. uv supports reading and extracting archives in the following formats:

  • bzip2 tarball (.tar.bz2)
  • gzip tarball (.tar.gz, .tgz)
  • xz tarball (.tar.xz)
  • zip (.zip)
  • zstd tarball (.tar.zst)

Learn more#

For more details about the internals of the resolver, see the resolver reference documentation.