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invalid-pathlib-with-suffix (PTH210)

Derived from the flake8-use-pathlib linter.

Fix is sometimes available.

This rule is unstable and in preview. The --preview flag is required for use.

What it does

Checks for pathlib.Path.with_suffix() calls where the given suffix does not have a leading dot or the given suffix is a single dot ".".

Why is this bad?

Path.with_suffix() will raise an error at runtime if the given suffix is not prefixed with a dot or it is a single dot ".".



Use instead:


Known problems

This rule is likely to have false negatives, as Ruff can only emit the lint if it can say for sure that a binding refers to a Path object at runtime. Due to type inference limitations, Ruff is currently only confident about this if it can see that the binding originates from a function parameter annotated with Path or from a direct assignment to a Path() constructor call.

Fix safety

The fix for this rule adds a leading period to the string passed to the with_suffix() call. This fix is marked as unsafe, as it changes runtime behaviour: the call would previously always have raised an exception, but no longer will.

Moreover, it's impossible to determine if this is the correct fix for a given situation (it's possible that the string was correct but was being passed to the wrong method entirely, for example).

No fix is offered if the suffix "." is given, since the intent is unclear.