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class-with-mixed-type-vars (RUF053)

Fix is sometimes available.

This rule is unstable and in preview. The --preview flag is required for use.

What it does

Checks for classes that have PEP 695 while also inheriting from typing.Generic or typing_extensions.Generic.

Why is this bad?

Such classes cause errors at runtime:

from typing import Generic, TypeVar

U = TypeVar("U")

# TypeError: Cannot inherit from Generic[...] multiple times.
class C[T](Generic[U]): ...


from typing import Generic, ParamSpec, TypeVar, TypeVarTuple

U = TypeVar("U")
P = ParamSpec("P")
Ts = TypeVarTuple("Ts")

class C[T](Generic[U, P, *Ts]): ...

Use instead:

class C[T, U, **P, *Ts]: ...

Fix safety

As the fix changes runtime behaviour, it is always marked as unsafe. Additionally, comments within the fix range will not be preserved.
